Sizing Utility

Easily make an element as wide or as tall with our width and height utilities.

Set a Width

These utility classes allow to set width of an element instantly.

Percent Width Value
.w-{value} 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 | ... | 85 | 90 | 95 | 100 (step of 5)
Use-case Width Value
.wide-{value} xs | sm | md | lg | xl
These classes mostly used with .container to specific width on any larger screens.
Specific Width Value
.w-{value} 80px | 90px | 100px | 110px | 120px | 125px | 130px | 140px | 150px | 175px | 200px | 220px | 225px | 250px | 300px | 350px | 400px | 550px
.w-max-{value} Same as above
.w-min-{value} Same as above
Full Width Value
.w-{value} auto | 100 auto use for reset
.w-max-{value} auto | 100 auto use for reset
.w-min-{value} auto | 100 auto use for reset
.mw-100 Same as .w-max-100
Uses Example
<div class="w-25"> ... </div>
<div class="w-max-250px"> ... </div>
<div class="w-min-100px"> ... </div>

Set a Height

These utility classes allow to set width of an element instantly.

Percent Height Value
.h-{value} 25 | 50 | 75 | 100 | auto
.mh-100 Set max height 100%
Specific Height Value
.h-{value} 100px | 150px | 175px | 200px | 225px | 250px | 275px | 300px | 325px | 350px | 375px | 400px | 425px | 450px | 475px | 500px
.h-max-{value} Same as above
.h-min-{value} Same as above
Uses Example
<div class="h-25"> ... </div>
<div class="h-250px"> ... </div>
<div class="h-min-325px"> ... </div>

Relative to the viewport

You can also use utilities to set the width and height relative to the viewport.

Class Reference Details
.vh-100 Height set 100vh
.vw-100 Width set 100vw
.min-vh-100 Height set min 100vh
.min-vw-100 Width set min 100vw
Uses Example
<div class="vh-100"> ... </div>